New Book! And how they are put together

I issued a new book on Saturday for the Billboard Best Sellers In Stores Chart. (If your interested then a link to check out the page is here) and I thought I’d go through the process of putting it together. My last post talked about gathering the data I nave, so this one will talk …

Where It All Began

After relaunching the website a few weeks ago I’ve been concentrating on updating the database that creates the ChartBookWeekly and the associated books and that’s what I want to talk about now.  When I began to collect the UK charts (and it was the UK as I didn’t know about Billboard back then) it was …

So, new website (Same as the old website?)

Well, I wanted a new website.  I actually don’t, what I really wanted was a refresh, but this seemed really good, so it’s a WordPress website.  Does most of what I want and what I don’t want I can turn off.  Probably.   So far I have written a couple of pages and it will take me the rest …